Do you...

  • …have a desire to lead people to live healthier and happier lives?

  • …want to guide people through transformational changes that allow them to live lives they love?

  • …want to create revolutionary retreats, digital products, or group programs?

  • …want to learn transformational techniques to help clients make lasting lifestyle changes?

  • …desire to lead people to connect with the Divine within?

  • Are you ready to help others connect with their biggest dreams to reach beyond their maximum potential?

If you’ve answered these questions with a “Yes!,” then the University of Wellness Holistic Life Coaching Certification Program is your next step in leading a massive revolution in the area of holistic wellness coaching.


  • You’re a new or existing coach ready to level-up and expand your knowledge and your reach.

  • You have a burning desire to help others and you’re ready to dig deeper.

  • You know you have a purpose in helping others but you’re not sure how to monetize your gifts.

  • You desire to create world-class retreats, gain amazing speaking engagements, and give back to the world.

  • You are not swayed by the hype of taking advantage of people for financial gain.

  • You feel like you lack the business and sales training you need to be successful as a coach.

  • You are ready to be revolutionary in the wellness coaching industry!

This program is designed for new coaches and existing coaches that need a proven system to use with their clients.

In addition to cutting-edge coach training, you will also receive unmatched business and holistic life coaching.

Now includes training in Leadership, Behavior Change and Emotional Intelligence

What is a University of Wellness Coach?

  • We are trained to help clients connect to their own divine guidance within.

    We believe that we have a power within that is far greater than ourselves. Our job as coaches is to allow our clients to connect with their own divine guidance within.

  • We honor every person’s beliefs and do not impose ours on them.

    We are trained to support clients in their own goals. We do not simply tell people what to do. We do not impose our beliefs or products onto anyone.

  • We are passionate about helping people become the highest version of themselves.

    Our job is to create a safe space for our clients to share their unique truths, ideas, and aspirations. We help people clarify dreams and goals.

  • We support our clients and keep them accountable in taking action.

    We help guide them and keep them accountable on their own paths. To achieve this, we provide our clients with a framework for clarity by guiding them to tap into their own guidance system. We give them tools to set goals, stay accountable, and keep their eyes on the prize.

  • We have abundance mindsets with financial integrity.

    We uphold honest sales tactics at all times. We maintain a consistent pricing structure that is consistent with our target market. We do not promote materialism to entice individuals to our coaching. Our results are our selling points.

  • We value individual spiritual growth and are life-long learners.

    As we move along the many paths toward greater enlightenment and awakening, we express gratitude as we honor the unique beliefs of our clients. We also highly value continuing education. We recognize that the strategies which work for one, do not work for all. We aim to stay current with our education. Students are required to participate in continuing education on a regular basis. We are continually allowing opportunities into our lives to expand our knowledge and our reach.

  • We lovingly lead and guide.

    Universal love is the force in which we use to operate. We have a ton of knowledge and tools, though we never push any specific theories (dietary, spiritual, fitness, etc.) Our client’s needs are first.. We support our clients, but we do not do the work for them. We provide our clients with tools and strategies, while also helping them be accountable and progressive.

  • We are authentic in all areas of life.

    We value honesty and authenticity as top priorities. We practice what we preach and admit perfection is impractical. We are consistent.

  • We are unapologetic about self-care.

    We honor and take care of ourselves in every way. We have daily non- negotiable self-care and spiritual practices. We know that in order to serve others, we must first serve ourselves.

  • We are speakers, teachers, healers, and the leaders of the future.

    We are compassionate and on a mission! Our eyes are open. We are fully aware that there is a higher energy moving all things on the planet into a place of unconditional love and higher vibration. We allow ourselves and our clients to rely on personal internal wisdom as our guidance system. We work just as hard on ourselves as we do on our businesses. You can find our coaches working in corporations, owning their own businesses, or coaching to enhance their current profession. We speak, teach, and lead the future.

Kerissa was, and continues to be, a SHINING LIGHT...not only in my Coaching career, but also in my life. Through her very detailed and nurturing Holistic Life Coaching Program, and mentorship...I have been blessed with the knowledge and the wings to help me fly in my Coaching business. Each module was carefully crafted and presented to me in such detail and

she made sure that I was fully supported. If I was ever stuck on something, or didn’t understand a concept, I felt comfortable enough to ask her, and I was able to get the guidance I needed.

What I loved most about Kerissa and her program, was the connection I felt with her. She has a way of seeing you and understanding you. And I felt so at ease with her. But there was still that accountability!! I made sure I finished my modules and assignments and stayed on track. When I felt like I was straying off of my heart centered track...Kerissa helped to ground me and bring me back to my core values….this is what I LOVE about her! She helps to give you the tools and the knowledge to help you succeed in your coaching business...but she also makes sure that you’re doing it in a heart centered manner.

With her guidance and love, my coaching business flourished with paying clients in less than 9 months. I am now running a successful and engaged Facebook group, filled with my ideal clients, and I am signing new clients every month.

Kerissa helped to lay down not just the coaching foundation for me...but also the love foundation that I’m able to bring my clients and my own family. She is truly a gem, and her program is incredible and I highly recommend it to anyone who is passionate about Coaching and wants to start their own Coaching business on the right foot!

Kerissa...I am truly blessed to have you in my life...words cannot express my gratitude for everything you’ve brought into my life.




I now have over fifteen years of business consulting and wellness experience, including an Executive Masters in Business Administration from West Virginia University and am currently pursuing a Doctorate in Psychology with an emphasis in organizational psychology and advanced coaching skills. I am certified and trained in all areas of wellness; I have helped create and grow hundreds of wellness and heart-centered businesses in the last ten years. In addition, I also have created retreats for world-class resorts and digital courses for myself and clients. This certification course combines my education and experience, along with all the tools I have created in helping hundreds of wellness professionals be successful in their own unique career paths or businesses.


Engage Weekly

We meet live, online each Tuesday for 60-90 minutes for check-ins and guest speakers. Sessions are recorded, so that if you cannot attend live, you may listen to the audio at your convenience.

The twenty-two (22) thorough and engaging pre-recorded modules will cover everything from coaching skills and retreat creation to speaking engagements and sales strategies. These will be released and emailed to you weekly for your convenience!

Also, you will have access to a closed Facebook Group ONLY for students and alumni. This will give you an opportunity to get to know each other and grow together through this dynamic course.

Guest Speakers

You will hear from a variety of guest speakers who are powerhouses within their industries! Their perspectives and experiences will provide an even more well-rounded point of view of this industry. The topics will range from transformational coaching skills to business branding.

Hold tight as we prepare the lineup. As soon as it’s finalized, we will share!

Personal Coaching Included

During this certification, you will be working on yourself, as well as on the curriculum. To support this aspect, each student will get a total of five (5) private sessions with a coach during his or her training.

These five sessions include one (1) 90-minute strategy session with Kerissa Kuis, MBA, along with four (4) one-hour coaching sessions with a University of Wellness Holistic Life Coach.

In this dynamic certification program, you will:

  • Learn
    • How to build a heart-centered business
    • Spiritual techniques such as Emotional Freedom Technique, Angel Card Readings, and Reiki (Level One Distance Reiki Certificate included)
    • Sales skills that place you ahead of your competition
    • How to negotiate like a pro
      about ethical standards that all business owners should know
      how to acquire speaking engagements
    • How to speak with the techniques motivational expert public speakers use
    • What you need to know to hold your own first-class retreats